Return And Exchange

If you don't like the quality of the product or something else wrong don't take worry about that. There is an available option of return or exchange. If you want to return or exchange anything, feel free to contact us on our email address or customer chat support that is available 7/24.

Requirements for making return or exchange a product:

The product must be in original packing as you received.
The product must be in the same condition as you received.
You can only return or exchange a product within 5 business days after the delivery.
Refund for any product will be processed within 4-5 business days, you will receive your refunded amount depending upon your bank (which was used for payment).

Product will not be returned or exchanged if:

The order was a custom-made or a special order
The order was damaged after the shipment
Used or un-clean products will not return or exchange(non-refundable)

If you want to return:

You have to pay the shipping charges of the product you are returning.
Please, send the product on the following address:

Garhi mir rehman khazana tehsil, district Peshawar